Monday, July 8, 2013

Wise GUI on Openshift

Last Friday I cut a bug fix release of both Wise core and Wise webgui. Most of the changes are basically meant to consolidate / optimize the web user interface, making it simpler to understand and faster.

Building and deploying Wise webgui to your local JBoss AS 7 instance is really a matter of unpacking a zip file and issuing a single command (mvn clean package jboss-as:deploy). Starting from today, you can also try a demo Wise application on my Openshift area:

I might be updating that in the future before cutting new releases, so don't be too surprised if you catch it offline for some minutes; anyway feel try to stick any public wsdl url in there and test your preferred ws endpoint. Please post any feedback on the forum :-)
If you don't know what to test and just want to give Wise a try, has plenty of misc test ws endpoints (almost all up and running).